ACVECC Online Learning
The American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ACVECC) is committed to providing high level educational opportunities to veterinary healthcare professionals with an interest in veterinary emergency medicine and critical care. Key components of ACVECC Online Learning include the following stellar initiatives:
Foundations in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (FVECC) Individual Modules and Certificate Program
Individual modules in veterinary emergency and critical care have been developed as part of a joint initiative of the ACVECC and the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society (VECCS). One is welcomed to pick and choose from a variety of modules to purchase individually or take all of the modules at a significant discount by purchasing the FVECC Certificate Program.
The FVECC Certificate Program is the ultimate crash course in veterinary emergency and critical care (ECC). This program includes 40+ hours of online content, all geared towards delivering fundamental concepts in veterinary ECC! Whether one is a veterinarian or veterinary technician/technologist/nurse, whether one are just starting out or looking for a refresher, these courses are designed to boost one's skills and confidence in handling all types of ECC situations.
Upon completion of the FVECC Certificate Program, a Certificate of Completion is issued. Students can begin as early as their first year of veterinary school. Veterinarians and veterinary technicians/technologists/nurses can earn CE credits as all courses are RACE-approved, perfect for keeping your skills sharp and your licensing board happy! If one is aiming to earn a FVECC Certificate of Completion, all FVECC modules must be completed within two (2) years of starting one's journey. Individual course completion will count towards the FVECC Certificate even if one completes individual courses prior to enrollment in the certificate program.
RECOVER (Reassessment Campaign on Veterinary Resuscitation)
The RECOVER Initiative is a non-profit program within ACVECC and VECCS dedicated to conducting high-quality education, research, and guideline creation.. Through the efforts of over 100 veterinary specialists working with the RECOVER initiative, the very first evidence-based veterinary CPR guidelines were published in the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Carein 2012. In 2024, RECOVER provided updates on treatment recommendations for Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Life Support (ALS), and CPR-centered monitoring in dogs and cats using the rigorous GRADE methodology for evidence evaluation.
RECOVER veterinary certifications signify one’s knowledge and skills are up-to-date with current evidence-based guidelines. RECOVER offers certification for veterinary professionals in BLS and ALS through a two-step process involving online and in-person training. Certification is maintained by completing the online recertification course every two (2) years. Veterinary professionals may also become RECOVER Certified BLS Instructors® and RECOVER Certified ALS Instructors® through an additional certification process.